
Weiman,Focus On Building A More Beautiful Belt & Road


SEM Wheel Loader Oil Cooler W010519411 5188100

Original SEM Wheel Loader Oil Cooler W010519411 5188100

W46000191   5241603  SEM  Low temperature start system DC contactor JCC-200        直流接触器JCC-200

Z5B366100   5224339  SEM  Intermediate drive shaft assembly  中间传动轴组件

Z5B01000100 5219677  SEM  Gearbox main drive shaft         主传动轴

Z520220860  5339586  SEM  Air storage cylinder (with plug and valve) set  贮气筒

NW05230000000 5766861 SEM Wood Grabber Hydraulic Cylinder  抓木缸110×450

W010517975 5185236  SEM  Speed Sensor                  转速传感器

W42250000  5564842  SEM  Variable displacement piston pump转向泵

W060500000 5338030  SEM  Steering hydraulic oil pump       转向油泵

5331259     5331259  SEM  Motor grader Modular panel     组合仪表

Z5B750155   5178739  SEM  Door components               门组件

Y3B001004   5360693  SEM  Right vibration package assembly  右振动包组件

Y3B001003   5360692  SEM  Left vibration pack assembly      左振动包组件

W48000543  5221962  SEM  Seat                            座椅

W48000449  5228131  SEM  Seat                            座椅

Z3D300001   5540748  SEM  Gearbox Assembly               变速箱总成

NZ5D51300100 5766888  SEM  Diesel tank Assembly            柴油箱组件

TD16030015  5174977  SEM  Right transmission assembly       右传动总成

TD16340002  5183798  SEM  Right final drive assembly          右终传动总成

TD16030043  5183787  SEM  Left transmission assembly        左传动总成

TD16340001  5183797  SEM  Left final drive assembly          左终传动总成

NZ5B05702000 5765779  SEM  Rocker arm assembly            摇臂组件

NW05240000000 5431638 SEM  Side discharge cylinder        侧卸油缸125×748

W42190000   5227800  SEM  Tipping cylinder               翻斗缸Φ190×563

W42189030   5281698  SEM  Cylinder                       缸体

W42189000   5227799  SEM  Lifting cylinder                 举升缸

W010518193  5185221  SEM  Cylinder block pre-assembly     气缸体预装配

W010517328  5279924  SEM  Crankshaft assembly             曲轴总成

W050000000  5338032  SEM  Bucket Tipping Cylinder         转斗缸

5795282      5795282  SEM  Intercooler                   空空中冷器

W48000173   5178618  SEM  heater Assembly               暖风机组件

5886383      5886383  SEM  Radiator                      散热器

5889864      5889864  SEM  Water dispersion sub-assembly  水散分总成

5855363      5855363  SEM  Water Radiator                水散热器

5886413      5886413  SEM  Intercooler sub-assembly        中冷器分总成

W43012994   5364195  SEM  Clutch parts                   离合器部件

W020400121  5371257  SEM  Gearbox                      齿轮箱

Y02001026    5358071  SEM  Rotating disc                   转动盘

5364778      5364778  SEM  Brake disc                     制动盘

W046100010  5371284  SEM  Main Reducer Assembly          主减速器总成

NZ6B51400000 5651137  SEM  Hydraulic oil tank components    液压油箱组件

5439472      5439472  SEM  Single Rim Bearing Wheel         单边支重轮

5183479      5183479  SEM  Single Rim Bearing Wheel      单边支重轮组件

5243200      5243200  SEM  Gasket 20                   垫圈 20   20 GB93-87

Genuine SEM Wheel Loader Oil Cooler W010519411 5188100


Weight 3 kg
Dimensions 25 × 20 × 20 cm
part name

oil cooler

part no


delivery time

1-5 days




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