
Weiman,Focus On Building A More Beautiful Belt & Road


SEM Wheel Loader 816D Three Way Valve 5238188

Three Way Valve 5238188 Three Way Valve 5238188

SEM Wheel Loader 816D Three Way Valve 5238188

W010506221   5174914  SEM  Rocker Seat             摇臂座       70 90 12

W010517484   5185306  SEM  Cylinder Head Main Bolt    汽缸盖主螺栓

W010517638   5186514  SEM  Piston Ring Assembly     活塞环组件        潍柴

W010501691   5188094  SEM  Exhaust Valve Rocker Arm  排气门摇臂    614050049

Z520140120    5392140  SEM  Diesel Engine Oil Return Pipe  柴油机回油管 (L=1800mm)

B070214002    5197589  SEM  Circlip For Shaft          轴用挡圈         40

Z510210020    5225143  SEM  Clutch Shaft             离合器轴

B120344027    5219955  SEM  Bearing 2408           轴承2408(4Pcs)

Z51021160     5227244  SEM  Gear                    齿轮        20CrMnTi28

Z51021158     5227253  SEM  Spring                  弹簧

Z510210440    5238424  SEM  Piston                    活塞

5238427       5238427  SEM  Pressure Plate           压板

Z5B084006     5382229  SEM  Clutch Main Slice         离合器主动片

Z510210520    5675635  SEM  One-way Valve Seat        单向阀座

5217216       5217216  SEM                         轴承盖

Z520150090    5336424  SEM  Drive Axle Bolt           驱动桥螺栓

W041400201   5371248  SEM  Differential Assembly  50差速器总成 徐州50Xuzhou Axle

Z6205904400   5221879  SEM  Rim Bolt                  轮辋螺栓

Z5B366789     5224370  SEM  Casing Nut                套管螺母

Z610240151    5228164  SEM  Planetary Axle             行星轮轴

Z610240200    5228167  SEM  Connection Sleeve          联接套

W041400471   5362556  SEM  Sun Gear                  太阳轮         徐州新式

W041400161   5364464  SEM  Differential Planetary Gear   差速器行星轮274  徐州桥

B120400086    5367841  SEM  Bearing                  轴承              102306

W043100250   5371692  SEM  Planetary Wheel           行星轮           30徐州桥

5338602       5338602  SEM                      工作阀举升大腔接管

5363039       5363039  SEM                         主安全阀

5337990       5337990  SEM        工作装置液压系统总成      CBGJ2100/CBGQ2100

W42252000    5564844  SEM  Hydraulic Steering Gear     液压转向器BZZ-400(FK-10/16),503-13

W090900000A  5338071  SEM  Flow Amplification Converter  流量放大转换器  550-5176-831-2804,BZZ-100

5339500       5339500  SEM          高压软管组件(930)                M16*1.5

W110002990   5227741  SEM  Priority Valve           优先阀          YXL-F250F-N7

W110000100   5217532  SEM  Air Brake Valve         气制动阀          XM60C

W110000140   5217533  SEM  Pneumatic Control Valve    气控截止阀

W110000160   5217534  SEM  Oil-water Separator Combination Valve  油水分离器组合阀   SH380A-3511002

W110000090   5386696  SEM  Manual Stop Valve         手控截止阀

W44005000    5360132  SEM  Air Dryer Components    空气干燥器总成  HP3511CB-00

Z520150130    5177865  SEM  Bushing                 衬套

Z320471140    5252773  SEM  Variable Speed Control Valve Assembly   变速操纵阀总成

W031500000   5364429  SEM  Variable Speed Valve Assembly   变速阀总成(单杆操纵)

Z420100040    5217568  SEM  Bolt For Main Drive Shaft   主传动轴用螺栓

W370000070A  5386476  SEM  Temperature Sensor     温度传感器

Z5b05700500   5219879  SEM  Bushing-K Pin          K-衬套

z5b05700200   5219876  SEM  Bushing-B Pin          B-衬套

Z5B05700300   5219877  SEM  Bushing-C,D Pin        C,D-衬套

z5b05700400   5219878  SEM  Bushing-F Pin          F-衬套

Z5100108502   5228214  SEM  Bucket Boom Pin Bushing   铲斗动臂销衬套

Z5A108013     5228339  SEM  Bucket Tie Rod Pin Bushing 铲斗拉杆销轴衬套 (铝锌合金)

z5b05700100   5228373  SEM  Bushing-A Pin          A-衬套

Z5100100102   5233711  SEM  Boom Rear Pin Bushing  动臂后销衬套

Z5100100202   5233712  SEM  Boom Pin Bushing      动臂中销衬套   高100mm

Z5100100702   5233713  SEM  Bucket Tie Rod Pin Bushing   铲斗拉杆销衬套

Z510010501    5233717  SEM  Pin Shaft Assembly In Boom  动臂中销轴总成   φ64mm

Z5100107902   5233735  SEM  Bucket Tie Rod Pin Assembly  铲斗拉杆销轴总成 φ74mm

Z610010021    5356331  SEM  Pin Bushings At Both Ends Of The Tie Rod  拉杆两端销衬套

Z620010281    5356344  SEM  Boom Bucket Pin Assembly  动臂铲斗销轴总成

W073500010   5363039  SEM  Work Distribution Valve    主安全阀

SEM Wheel Loader 816D Three Way Valve 5238188

Weight 80 kg
Dimensions 40 × 45 × 40 cm
part name

three way valve

part no




delivery time

1-5 days


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